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The Girls' Day School Trust is the largest group of independent schools in the UK and the UK’s largest educational charity.

The 23 schools and two academies of the GDST are some of the very best in the country, with levels of fees that are highly competitive. Each school is characterised by its record of academic achievement and rich programme of co-curricular activities.

Trust students were among the first women to obtain university degrees and to enter the professions, and this pioneering spirit continues today. The GDST encourages pupils to cultivate a lively intellectual curiosity and a wide range of interests and life skills. We have lots of contact with our sister schools — sharing best practice and a healthy competitive spirit in the many Trust-wide sports tournaments that take place over the year. International links and collaboration are actively pursued and each school seeks to incorporate an international dimension to the educational experience.

For enquiries click here

When students leave us, they automatically become members of the GDST Alumnae Network, made up of some 70,000 former students all over the world. Members are national and international leaders in every professional field and the Alumnae Network offers invaluable careers advice, training and work experience opportunities.

To learn more about the Chairman of the GDST Trustees, Juliet Humphries, click here.

The Girls’ Day School Trust is a Limited Company.

Registered in England No 6400. Registered Charity No.306983.

Registered Office 10 Bressenden Place, London, SW1E 5DH 
VAT Registration No. 627697394.