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15 July 2015

Foreign Language Leader Award 2014-15

This year, four Year 13 and 26 Year 12 students completed their Foreign Language Leader Award whilst undertaking many activities with younger students in both the Junior and Senior Schools. They started planning for our annual September Languages Week back in the Summer Term 2014 and since then have planned, organised and led a variety of events including the Year 7 national Spelling Bee, workshops, assemblies, charity netball, handball, Languages Evening, German and Latin clubs in the Junior School, and Language Club in the Senior School. They have peer mentored, volunteered in the Junior School and run support sessions for younger students. The students have developed their leadership and organisational skills, and passed on their own enthusiasm for language and culture. Many of the students are pursuing non-language based subjects at A Level and this has been an excellent way for them to keep their language learning alive. We have been so fortunate to have had such a hardworking and enthusiastic group of students. It has been a pleasure to work with them. Many thanks!

The students who have gained the Leader Award are:
Susie R., Zaynub A., Lucy T., Emily D., Sian-Azilis E., Reem A., Zara A., Owen D., Jumana A., Jenny D., Liz O., Salem Y., Celyn T., Lowri T., Shani M., Esther H,. Sanjana D., Emily T., Aisling F., Hannah W., Will B., Lily B., Claudia F., Annabel S., Louise K., Catrin T., Julia M., Ayesha B., Jonny H. and Holly C.

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