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The Archives

Howell's School, Llandaff is fortunate to possess an extensive collection of archive material.

The records include a complete set of Governors’ Minutes from 1859 and registration details of every girl who has attended the school since 1860.

All aspects of school life are represented and the records take many different forms, such as school and Hywelian Magazines, accounts books, letters, concert and play programmes, maps and plans, certificates, inspection reports, an early surgeon’s journal, photographs, newsletters, prospectuses and drawings.

There are also records relating to the Girls’ Day School Trust and other official documents. In addition, the Archives Room contains various tape recordings and other records stored on electronic media. There is an increasing number of artefacts, ranging from original candle-holding reading-lamps and early school uniforms to prefects’ badges and 1950s stiletto heel protectors for the floors!

All the school and Hywelian magazines from 1911 have been digitised. Click here to access the digitised magazines.

The main reasons for maintaining the archives are: 

  • To preserve relevant material relating to the history of Howell’s School for the benefit of future generations 

  • To cultivate and foster an awareness of the school’s rich heritage and its importance in the history of women’s education 

  • To make the material available, accessible and comprehensible to researchers, internal or external 

  • To answer enquiries from members of the public 

  • To provide appropriate material for publicity and other purposes. 

We are very grateful to former students and other well-wishers who have kindly donated material to the Archives, and are always happy to accept new material.

The Head Archivist is Mrs Janet Sully, who is helped by two Hywelian volunteers: Mrs Lyn Owen and Mrs Julia Winkler.

We are pleased to receive enquiries and enjoy undertaking the necessary research.

We also welcome visitors who wish to undertake their own research. Requests for information and for visits should be made to

The Hywelian Museum

Opened on Saturday 28th January 2012, our museum is housed in the Board Room and also serves as a meeting space for staff, governors, and visitors.

Curated by Mrs Janet Sully and her team of archivists, the museum features selected artefacts from our school archive and information on the history of Howell’s and its previous Head Teachers who you can read more about by clicking here.

While it is impossible to display the entire collection, we occasionally host temporary exhibitions on various themes.

Since September 2012, visitors participating in the national Open Doors Scheme have been able to explore the museum. Others are welcome by appointment.

To arrange a visit, please contact us at or call 02920 261825.