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Cookie Policy

This page lists cookies used on the website. Read more about how and why we use cookies on this site and how to control them.

Google Analytics

__ga, __gid, __gtag

Google Analytics is Google’s analytics tool that helps website and app owners to understand how visitors engage with their properties. It may use a set of cookies to collect information and report website usage statistics without personally identifying individual visitors to Google. The main cookie used by Google Analytics is the ‘__ga’ cookie.

Google Preferences


Most Google users will have a preferences cookie called ‘NID’ in their browsers. A browser sends this cookie with requests to Google’s sites. The NID cookie contains a unique ID that Google uses to remember your preferences and other information, such as your preferred language (e.g. English), how many search results you wish to have shown per page (e.g. 10 or 20) and whether or not you wish to have Google’s SafeSearch filter turned on.

This is used by Google Maps, and Google ReCaptcha on forms.

Google Security


We use security cookies to authenticate users, prevent fraudulent use of login credentials and protect user data from unauthorised parties.

For example, we use cookies called ‘SID’ and ‘HSID’ which contain digitally signed and encrypted records of a user’s Google account ID and most recent sign-in time. The combination of these two cookies allows us to block many types of attack, such as attempts to steal the content of forms that you complete on web pages.

Cookie Bar


A cookie is stored to know if the user has accepted cookies on the website. This stops the cookie bar from displaying on each page.