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23 February 2024

Celebration Tea: Thursday 22nd February

Celebration Tea: Thursday 22nd February

Mrs Darnton hosted a group of talented Senior School and College students in the Boardroom this week for a Celebration Tea. Please read below to learn more about what each student was celebrating.

Francesca C was invited for her excellent Dressage performance, finishing 2nd place in the under-21s competition.

Arianne McQ was invited for giving an amazing effort on a HOT question which wasn’t even set for homework! She predicted how many days it would take to repay a loan of specific interest if paying back £20 per day, and presented her results in a spreadsheet.

Connie C, Chloe S and Sonoma S were invited because they've reached the finals of the BPW Public Speaking Competition.

Yabeera G was invited for being a runner-up at the regional heat of the GDST Chrystall Carter Public Speaking Competition.

Emily Z was invited because she received Outstanding for her recital, playing Clair de lune and Mozart C major sonata k330.

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