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27 November 2023

Natasha Devon MBE visits Howell's

Natasha Devon MBE visits Howells

On Monday, November 27th, we welcomed Natasha Devon MBE, a distinguished writer and broadcaster, to Howell's. As a Mindful School prioritising student well-being, we were thrilled to have Natasha join us for the day. Natasha, a certified Mental Health First Aid instructor, had a broad impact, touring schools across the UK and beyond, delivering talks on mental health, body image, gender, and equality.

Year 10 students had the unique opportunity to engage with Natasha in the Library. In the workshop, Natasha shared valuable tips and techniques for fostering productive and supportive conversations about mental health among peers.

Natasha addressed the evolving landscape of mental health discussions among young people, acknowledging the reduction in stigma. Despite this progress, she highlighted a common misconception—believing it is their responsibility to 'fix' one another. Natasha guided students on the art of choosing helpful responses, understanding when and how to signpost, and emphasised the irreplaceable role of friends while underscoring the need for professional support.

Additionally, Natasha shared insights into her new Young Adult novel, "Babushka," a compelling story about 16-year-old Cerys, whose pursuit of a new life in London doesn't unfold as expected after leaving her small Welsh village. The day proved to be a memorable and enlightening experience for our students.

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